Two men are standing in front of a store, one young and one old, turn to each other, giving a nod and a smile.  Another moment passes and it seems they are clearly waiting for their persons to come out.  There is a poster in the window of a couple on a beach at sunset with a drink logo – a picture filled with promises of love, relaxation and fun.  The young man turns towards the gentleman and asks, ‘walking on a beach right now seems like a farfetched dream, have you ever seen the sunrise or sunset with someone you love like that?  He sees the gentleman wave to his person standing at the register and answers ‘I don’t need too.  I can see the sunrise in her smile, just pure glowing sunshine.  I can see the sunset in her eyes, with flickers of gold, calming warmth.  When she speaks, I can’t seem to hear anything else.  Wouldn’t you want to walk beside that person for as long as you can, anytime…anywhere? ‘